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09-21-11Special Meeting
SEPTEMBER 21, 2011


Chairman Marks called the meeting to order at 6:15 pm.
Commission Members present:  Marks, Yochum, Brookes, Yanni, Jr., Crick Owen, DiNicola
Commission Members absent: Barczak
Staff present: Mangold, Samuelson and Reggiano
Staff absent: None
Public:  None


1.  5- Year Capital Improvement Plan

  • The Commission reviewed the working copy of the CIP which shows the total for each of the five years with the amount for bonding and the amount for reduction.
  • Then the Commission reviewed the Board of Selectman’s recommended CIP which lists specific items requested in each of the five years. The Town’s debt cap is 9%. Each year’s Parks and Recreation items were discussed.  
  • Year One  (2012-13) – Dickinson Playground – This project has been separated from the original request that included the sprayground and bathhouse which has been moved to year four (2015-16)  Billie Cohen has been doing a lot of planning for the playground and the amount in the CIP is accurate. Chairman Marks requested that Director Mangold get a copy of the grant request that Brookfield used to get funding for their new playground. Commissioner Brookes is willing to help with the process.
Infrastructure Renovations at Treadwell Park – Might have to supplement with funds from the Surcharge Account to make this project work.  Replacement of basketball court and tennis courts.  Might include removal of the far tennis court for a driveway.  The Park only has one entrance and exit.  This is a safety issue.  Newtown Tennis Association will be asked if removing one court permanently would impact them.  Parks and Recreation presently has 9 tennis courts.  This does not include the tennis courts at the high school.
  • Year Two (2013-14) – Artificial Turf replacement at Treadwell Field – The $500,000.00 needed for this project is slated to come out of the Surcharge Account as planned.
  • Year Three (2014-15) – Community Center Design Phase – If Middle School closes and Parks and Recreation can take space in that building this money would be used to design that space or to renovate Newtown Youth Academy wing.
  • Year Four  (2015-16) – Dickinson Sprayground and Bathhouse – Amount should be changed to $925,000.00.  Bob Tait is aware of the change and just needs to update his documents. Billie Cohen is also working on this project.
Community Center – If Middle School closes this money could be used for renovations instead of a new building or Newtown Youth Academy wing renovations
Bath House /Concession Stand at Eichler’s Cove – This amount would be bonded.  
  • Year Five (2016-17) – Treadwell/Dickinson Parking Lot Paving – The Commission request that this project be broken down into two phases since the $300,000.00 allocated would not cover one complete project.  The request is to have Dickinson Park repaved first at a cost of $450,000.00.  
The Commission request that $250,000.00 be added to this year for a pocket park possibly in the Hawleyville area. Director Mangold has already discussed this with the First Selectman.  Information about this project request will be distributed in their CIP folders to the Board of Finance and then the Legislative Council to be discussed.
  • The total request from Parks and Recreation over the five years is $13,975,000.00
(m/sc: Brookes/Yochum)  “Move to accept the 5-Year Capital Improvement Plan (2012 – 2017 as amended in discussion at an amount of $13,975,000.00.”

(m/s/c: Yochum/Yanni Jr.) “Motion to adjourn”.  The meeting ended at 7:03pm

Respectfully submitted by,
Donna Benson